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Dark Scream Quotes
File Size
Episode 1: "Battle Protocol"
1. "Dark Scream, terrorize!"
41 kb
2. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Autobot!"
Episode 2: "An Explosive Situaiton"
1. "It's stored in little round canisters."
15 kb
Episode 4: "Spychangers to the Rescue"
1. "And those tin cans can't stop us! Hahahaha!"
64 kb
2. "I gotta tell you, if this is the best they have to offer I'm not impressed."
3. "Oh, those Autobots played us all for saps. Wait 'til I get my hands on them!"
1. "Nobody asked you, Sky-Byte!"
136 kb
2. "Whatever, you pathetic little guppy."
3. "Just you wait. When I'm ready I'll take you apart cylinder by cylinder."
4. "How does he hear so well?"
5. "I hope I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing, but I am seeing what I think I'm seeing. It's him! I didn't know Optimus Prime could fly! I always get kicked around!"
Episode 7: "Sideburn's Obsession"
1. "You lucked out this time, you hunk of junk, but when I'm done taking care of this you and your whole team are going down! Let's see how you run your mouth when we've captured your leader. Heheheheh! Oh, man! This is going to be sweet! Hehehehe! I hope you like the sound of ripping, shredding metal, Sideburn. Hahahahaha!"
119 kb
Episode 14: "The Decepticons"
1. "We're the ones who found that spaceship so whatever's in it belongs to us."
23 kb
*These sound clips are taken from the show Robots in Disguise, which is the property of TVTokyo, Saban Entertainment, Takara and Hasbro. They are provided for entertainment purposes only. They are free to download and distribute. Selling them or posting them to another website is prohibited.